Recently: 2021-til-11
Lately I got that feeling that I needed to write again. Don't know why but probably this loneliness feeling, working from home without almost any ...
Lately I got that feeling that I needed to write again. Don't know why but probably this loneliness feeling, working from home without almost any ...
From June 27th to July 15th I was attending to the World Roller Games 2019, the world's largest event comprising all the world championship roller ...
Who doesn't like the backpacks?, I have to admit that I have a kind of fetich with the backpacks in general and with the everydaycarry ...
It's not the end of the year but we're close. This year has been a bit weird, lots of unexpected stuff happened but hey, it's ...
Half of a year is a long time. But time passes, well, time flies. I was forced to learn to change my habits because some ...
Normalmente este tipo de patologías suelen aparecer en personas más mayores, sin embargo soy el afortunado poseedor de una opacidad parcial del cristalino - cataratas - ...
When I was a child I can - barely - remember my grandpas preparing all the stuff for baking in a proper wood-fired oven the ...
I think I've written about this before (here and here), but the other day some spots came to my mind. They were the typical "why ...
Last months are being tough over here, there are too many things beyond our control. Close people passed away, had the hardest flu that I ...
Those we love never truly leave us. There are things that death cannot touch.
Gran efeméride como tal, aunque la frecuencia de publicación deje mucho que desear, 15 años - como cifra - es interesante. Recuerdo la primera versión ...
Si algo me ha enseñado el Jiu Jitsu en este último año - entre muchos otros valores y experiencias positivas - ha sido el respeto. ...
Just let me post a thing, with no sense, and don't try to find an explanation, it just works (for now): yCoVAHDmzP6G4DbbAef9 Con due cojoni.
O "como desemplumar a padres primerizos". No se me malentienda, soy muy fan de que en una pequeña ciudad como Lugo existan iniciativas de diversa ...
In agile programming "sprint" is the basic unit of development. But for us it means something more. In our team, a sprint is a period ...
Suena Violadores, "Cantando" -explicit lyrics- ayer hubo concierto del Chojín en Santiago y, aunque hubiera sido un buen regalo, me conformo con una sesión remember en esta ...
Manejar varios entornos al mismo tiempo, como todo, tiene ventajas e inconvenientes. Trabajar con distintas máquinas plantea ciertos problemas que, a veces, son complicados de ...
We all know that monotony is not a good fellow traveler, but it's established in our lives quite naturally, even though I must say that, ...
Most of us, people that works on digital services (developers, sysadmins, devops...), have a great privilege: work remotely. And I say "most" because not everyone ...
Esta mañana, como muchos otros días, he quedado con Borja para eso que llaman convertir descafeinados en código (sí, descafeinados), en una de las "coffices"que ...