Pyramid: set a cookie returning a HTTPFound

Probably it will not be the most common scenario, but if you want to save a cookie and make a redirection right away using HTTPFound, the cookie won't being saved. That's the fact.

It seems that HTTPFound takes a own headers parameter, probably overwritting the one you used to set the cookie, so theorically nothing happened with your response.set_cookie() unless you call HTTPFound with the proper argument:

response.set_cookie('mycookie', value=myvalue)
return HTTPFound(location=request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']),

Thanks to Rob Wouters for the excellent reply in this Stack Overflow thread, it was hard to find it for me, that's the main reason of this post.

About the author

has doubledaddy super powers, father of Hugo and Nico, husband of Marta, *nix user, Djangonaut and open source passionate.
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